"Darling, he doesn't care."
"Darling, he doesn't care."
"He doesn't think about you at night."
"He doesn't see your face in a crowded room"
"Sweetheart, he doesn't care about you, and you chasing him, only makes his ego bigger and your pride smaller."
"He doesn't remember the feeling of kissing your lips."
"He forgot the color of your eyes, even tho he told you he had never seen something as beautiful."
"He doesn't talk about you and about how bad he misses you."
"He doesn't love you anymore, maybe he never did."
"I'm So Sorry, Let him go."
Has a guy ever given you mixed signals?
One minute he's crazy about you and the next minute you have no clue if he ever wants to see you again?
There's one BIG reason why men do this..
Click Here to watch the most important video you have ever seen.
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